You don't need much when it comes to magnetic fishing. However, a few pieces of equipment are essential. These include:
- a magnet - a rope - a transport box Performance is a key criterion when selecting the magnet. Magnets, such as those used on refrigerators, pinboards or fly screens, are not suitable for pulling heavy objects out of the water. Instead, so-called neodymium magnets are used in magnetic fishing. These are also called super- or mountain magnets and are able to pull a few hundred kilos behind them. While probe-goers also need a metal detector, magnetic anglers can do without it.
If you want to buy a neodymium magnet for fishing, pay attention to the following: - The traction force: The higher, the better? Only to a certain degree. Because if your magnet sticks to an object that weighs several hundred kilos, you have no chance to pull it out of the water. In addition, in this case you need to dive to save your magnet. Therefore, a pulling force of up to 150 kilograms is usually sufficient. Magnets with a convincing adhesive force are also called search magnet or supermagnet.
- The size: Many neoyme magnets for magnetic fishing are about 70 to 100 mm in size. Here more is actually a little better, because with the size also the support surface increases. You also get angular and round magnets. In practice, however, the form is rather secondary. Some advanced magnetic fishermen take magnets of different sizes with you when you pursue your hobby.
If you have purchased a magnet, you need a rope. A normal fishing line is not an option for magnetic fishing. After all, the tensile forces here are much higher than with conventional fishing. Instead, a rope is used.
When selecting, consider the following criteria:
- Pulling force: As with the magnet, the pulling force is also important for the rope. Because only if it is high enough, you will be able to successfully pull the magnet out of the water with prey – without tearing the rope.
- Length: A length of 15 to 20 meters is perfectly sufficient for magnetic fishing. If the rope is even longer, handling is difficult – not least if you want to store the rope neatly in your vehicle after fishing and take it home.
- Diameter: Even the diameter is too much more detrimental. In principle, it should not be more than 10 mm. Otherwise, there is a risk that the rope will become unnecessarily heavy when fishing, because it sucks itself with large amounts of water.
Ropes for magnetic fishing are made of different materials. Polypropylene is widely used. This has the advantage that it does not absorb water.
Finally, we recommend that you take suitable containers for the transport of the loot. Which ones are offered depends primarily on which vehicle you are travelling in – whether by car, moped or bicycle. When choosing, remember that many items that pull magnetic fishermen out of the water carry a handsome weight. And even 20 meter long ropes are not lightweights, especially if you are sucked with water.
With rope, magnet and transport box, your basic equipment is complete. But to make fishing really fun, we advise you to put extra emphasis on the appropriate clothing. These include gloves that protect your hands from abrasive ropes. Waterproof trousers make it more pleasant to go a few steps into the water if necessary. And if you are for hours in high summer while fishing for magnets, think of sun protection.
Some magnetic fishermen also have a throwing hook or an underwater camera in their luggage. Frequently, magnetic anglers are also so-called probe-goers and still have a metal detector as equipment. Magnetic anglers, on the other hand, do not need a metal detector.