Buying bras online is not complicated if you do it in an expert corsetry shop like LoolasUp . Keep in mind that whenever you need it we advise you personally. In this section we explain what you should take into account when you try on any garment of underwear, whether bras, panties, bodysuits or swimsuits. For proper adaptation it is important that you can move freely with these clothes in your daily routine. When you try on the garment sit down, walk and move your arms from top to bottom, to feel that the size is appropriate.
Here are some criteria with which you can look at how the underwear should sit:
The body does not adapt properly The body adapts properly • Too short: the chest is pressed down and crushes, the leg cut is stretched up. • The body is perfect when it is long enough not to crush the chest down or stretch the leg cut up. • Too long: the body makes wrinkles uncomfortable. In both cases the body loses its ability to model the figure. • The cut of the legs should not press or leave marks. • In both cases the body loses its modeling function of the body. • The body does not wrinkle and the feeling of bearing is of absolute comfort and adaptation. The bra does not fit correctly The bra fits perfectly
• The thin straps cut when the chest is large and heavy. • The thickness of the straps should depend on the volume of the chest. The straps must not cut or cause marks on your skin and must be adjustable.
• The cups are too small. • The cups are the right size and the chest does not overflow from the top or sides. Nor should it be baggy.
• There is no adequate support either by the sides or by the lower part of the chest. • The chest should have adequate support on the sides and bottom.
• In both cases the chest is not shaped. • You should notice your subject chest and feel comfortable.
The panty or girdle does not adapt properly Optimal adaptation of panty / girdle
• The upper seam is nailed between the waist and the hip. • The upper seam is at waist level.
• The garment falls or marks. • Perfect adaptation in every movement.
• Not comfortable • Does not mark or cut the skin.
• Mark or irritate the skin